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Map Layers 'View Layer Details' should go to the Item page instead of REST URL

03-09-2023 05:37 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor

In the Map Layers widget, there is a toggle setting to 'View layer details', which adds an info button next to each layer in the widget. 


Currently, the behaviour of this button is to take people to the ArcGIS REST url, which is useful for technical folks, but not helpful for non-technical people who want to know human readable information about the layer. 

Instead, there should be an option for the button to take users to the Item description/overview page on Portal / ArcGIS Online. This means that we can fully utilise the rich metadata options on the item details page about the dataset, including any caveats, terms of use or where the source data came from. Currently, the REST url page that is currently linked by the widget provides very little useful detail to the average user.

Of course, there may be situations where a layer was added to the map via REST url, so it should still be available as a fallback.

1 Comment

Having the option to go to the layer detail page would be great! It would also be really great if there was a similar view (maybe limited) that non-ArcGIS Online users could view to get metadata about the data layer. Something similar to what you would see on Hub.