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Where to install licensing manager for ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1 (Linux)?

06-14-2023 01:08 PM
Occasional Contributor

We are currently working to deploy ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1 (multi-machine, Linux) and have run into a roadblock creating the license file for Portal.

We only have two user types we can license:

  • Viewer
  • GIS Professional Advanced

I have attempted to step through the Portal licensing procedure but am getting hung up at the License Management step:


I think I understand why we need a License Manager. The GIS Professional Advanced user includes an ArcGIS Pro license. When walking thorugh the Portal licensing process, there is a message stating that we must license at least 1 GIS Professional Advanced user. As such, we need some way to license that Pro license for that GIS Professional Advanced user.

What I'm struggling with is where to install the License Manager. My immediate thought is it should have it should live on its own dedicated server machine. Maybe it should live on Portal?

I have looked through the License Manager documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise and list of Best Practices, but have not found any guidance about where the License Manager is supposed to be installed.

I feel like something obvious is going over my head because I can't find any recommendations beyond "install the License Manager" in the docs and most of the resources I've found on licensing Portal don't include anything about a License Manager. Thank you for any guidance or clearing up of misunderstandings I've written here.

1 Reply
MVP Regular Contributor


The License Manager can be installed on any system your portal has access to within your domain.  The overhead is very low and is only hit when a user needs a license.  A dedicated server would be overkill.  We also have a multi-server deployment and have the License Manager installed on our GIS file server hosting all our imagery and files.  We had originally installed it on the Portal itself but later moved it to the file server which has a lower load.