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replicas not listed

06-05-2017 01:56 PM
Frequent Contributor

Server 10.5, federated with Portal 10.5. SDE gdb is stored in PostgreSQL 9.5.7.

Server, Portal and PostgreSQL are running on different VMs.

We can successfully download a map using Collector, sync's are also working correctly.

But, why can't we see the replicas when browsing the feat. service rest endpoint?

The replica page of the appropriate feature service is totally blank??


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5 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Did you download the map for offline use?

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Yes, map was downloaded in Collector. We even dropped a few test points in Collector and they syncd fine.

I've never worked with a federated portal/server and datastore. Perhaps this is a result of that?

A known issue with 10.5?

Just seems odd. Im waiting for all of our field staff to start calling saying they're getting sync errors!

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Frequent Contributor

If it's in Collector but you rely on wifi/4G connectivity then it's collecting in live mode and no replicas get created. If the map is being downloaded to the device to work without internet then a replica should be created.

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Frequent Contributor

Yes, we've used Collector for years, just recently switched to ArcGIS Enterprise Standard with a federated on-premis Portal and Server implementation. I just can't figure out why we cannot view replicas at the Server rest endpoint?

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I just figured it out...

I was accessing the rest endpoint of the server w/out the web adaptor. Doing so apparently hides the replicas. 


If you access the rest endpoint through the web adaptor, then you can see the replicas: