Issue on download raster data from published mosaic dataset in ArcGIS server 10.

03-09-2014 10:58 PM
New Contributor
Our users are working with multiband (150 bands) raster dataset, which are in divestco's .Sl0 file format., and the huage raster files are stored shared folder in the server. Now we are planing to utilise the mosaic dataset's alongwith ArcGIS server's image service to serve these raster data to the user's. we achieved this by the following:
Note: each .sl0 files assoicated with two more files .DB, .3d

a. Created raster mosaic dataset and inserted raster datasets using toolbox tools. Then viewed the same in arcmap, all ok.
b. Published that mosaic dataset as image service using ArcGis 10 server manager. (Note: No image server extension installed).
c. Then added that image service as a layer in ArcMap desktop 10. Validate the attribute table and view the images, all ok.

however, when download the selected raster dataset, the dialog box show and listing only all .ovr, .xml., .tif., files but not showing that .sl0, .DB and .3d files., even after download.

So, kindly help me
How can i download the .sl0 and its associate files with all bands (150).
Why its automatically converted to .tiff format.
Is image server extension must required to publish mosaic data (in AGS 10)?

Thanks & Regards,
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