Change Default Raster Color Ramp from Black to White to...

09-01-2011 05:27 AM
New Contributor III
I insert many rasters into my Arc projects daily and by default the color rmap is always black to white. I have to manually change to a more 'elevation-friendly' color ramp consisting of earthy colors.

In the style manager window I am unable to perform any changes to the list of styles. The only option I can can choose is to right click on a style and click copy. If I could just manually change the black to white color ramp to the elevation color ramp I would be good but it's not letting me. Any ideas? If not in the Style window, where else can I change this?

Thanks, James
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3 Replies
New Contributor II
I insert many rasters into my Arc projects daily and by default the color rmap is always black to white. I have to manually change to a more 'elevation-friendly' color ramp consisting of earthy colors.

In the style manager window I am unable to perform any changes to the list of styles. The only option I can can choose is to right click on a style and click copy. If I could just manually change the black to white color ramp to the elevation color ramp I would be good but it's not letting me. Any ideas? If not in the Style window, where else can I change this?

Thanks, James

Ever get an answer to this?
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New Contributor III
Ever get an answer to this?

Hi Wade, no I haven't.
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Occasional Contributor III
Hi James,

From what i have seen the is greyed out in the Style Manager window and therefore you can only copy it. Have you tried copying a ramp into one of your own Styles and making it your default style?
(By opening Style Manager>click Styles...on the RH and Create New Style) Styel Manager Styles...button and tick your new style to make it default. If you are using Arc10 when you want to select a new symbology this will be at the top of the list.

If this dosn't change the default colour ramp try using within the Layer Properties>Symbology Tab>Categories>Match to symbols in a Style and see if that helps this will only keep the symbology for that *.mxd doc but may help with visualising your data.

I hope this helps
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