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Portal for ArcGIS Print Service

03-06-2015 04:54 AM
Regular Contributor


I'm stuck and need major help. In configuring my Utility Services, I am unable to replace the default print service Task: Export Web Map Task with my preferred, tried and tested print service http://lamata-gissvr:6080/arcgis/rest/services/Utilities/PrintingTools/GPServer/Export%20Web%20Map%2...

I know it has something to do with secured services, but not really sure what. The default service is https://  while the one I want to replace it with is http://

What should I do?

Someone help please!


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5 Replies
MVP Emeritus


   What is the context of your question? Are you working in some in some web API like javascript, a map template, etc? If you are working in Portal as your other question is then portal requires you to use https.

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Regular Contributor

Hi Robert,

Thanks for your reply. I am working in Portal and it has occurred to me that the utility service will only accept https. That being the case, can you please help me understand what I need to do to get a better print service up and running for my users. The default service (Task: Export Web Map Task​) is ineffectual, I need something better. I was able to configure a print service for my flex application which worked fine. I thought i could use that same service in Portal, but to know avail, because it is http.

This is the default service I would like to change.

I would also like to setup my route service.

Please help!


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MVP Emeritus


   Do you remember the process you went thought to get your portal to use https? well you have to do the same with your ArcGIS Server services.

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Deactivated User

There had been a NIM on secure print services. What JS API version are you using?

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Regular Contributor

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your reply. Please see my reply to Robert. Hope you can make sense of it in order to help me with a solution.

Thanks in advance.
