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Login/SAML Login - Experience

11-12-2024 09:43 AM
Occasional Contributor

I created a web experience and am currently trying to lock it behind a login for some of the city clients. However I am hosting it through our IIS so I can have a custom web URL for the experience. I am getting the following login as the popup:


We have our Portal through a SAML login for most of our users. I was wondering what is prompting this login popup instead of the standard ArcGIS login/SAML login screen that we normally see.

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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor

If this is a custom app stored/create outside of your Enterprise, you will probably have to create an app item in Portal with the app URL, register it which creates an appID and add that to the code for the web application. By registering your app, security will be handled by the Portal's OAuth mechanism.

Overview of this process

Portal Help Page with detailed info

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