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Authorizing Portal to Administer Pro Licenses Confusion

03-24-2015 11:48 AM
Frequent Contributor

I have an 10.3 Portal and have followed the instructions at Configure ArcGIS Pro licenses—Portal for ArcGIS | ArcGIS for Servert to configure ArcGIS Pro licenses for my organization.  Everything in the instructions worked like a charm.   Once I finished step 23, I logged into Portal as an Administrator, clicked My Organization --> Manage Licenses, and assigned a Pro license to a user. 

However, when that user opens Pro (version 1.0), is prompted to sign into Portal for ArcGIS, authenticates correctly, ArcGIS Pro never opens.  It just dies (no process in task manager either).  No error message or anything.  I've tried to do some research, so here is my question.

If my portal machine (running the license server via ArcGIS License Server Administrator) is separated from the client machine (hosting Pro) by a firewall, do I need to open a direct port in order for this to work?  The portal is configured through a web adaptor, but I don't know if Pro is trying to talk directly to the Portal server, or just ArcGIS Portal application. 


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5 Replies
Esri Contributor


Yes, when Pro opens, it first communicates with Portal to retrieve licensing information.  This is done over the web adaptor url.  It then needs to communicate directly with the License Manager to check-out the licenses.  This is done by default over port 27000.  In your case, since your License Manager is installed on your portal machine, you should just need to open port 27000 in your firewall to allow Pro to open and run successfully.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Jeff

Is it accessing the license manager only for portal but not for AGOL?


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Esri Contributor

Hi Mody,

Yes, accessing the license manager is unique to portal.  AGOL does not use the same license manager.

0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor

Thanks!  But how does Pro know how to access the portal server NOT through the web adaptor, since we don't have a DNS entry for the portal server, and there is no IP address through which Pro can directly access portal server (since that is the point of installing the web adaptor in the first place)?

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Esri Contributor

When Pro is launched, there are several things that occur for it to check out the licenses.  When Pro first opens, it communicates with Portal over the web adaptor url.  This displays the login page.  After you sign on, Portal validates that the user has licenses and sends back to Pro the hostname and port number for it to use to communicate directly with the License Manager.  I suspect this is where the failure is occurring for you. 

To see what hostname is being returned, you can login to your Portal Admin directory and access  License Manager info will show both the hostname and port.  By default this is just a hostname.  This can be changed to a fqdn if needed.  You mentioned that your Portal server does not have a public DNS entry.  If that is the case, Pro will need to be behind your firewall when it is initially opened.  Pro needs to communicate directly with the server where the License Manager is installed to check out the licenses.  Once they are checked out, you have the option to borrow them (or work offline) for a period of time without needing to communicate with the License Manager.

More information on that can be found here:

Review ArcGIS Pro licensing information—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS for Professionals

Sorry for the long reply.  Hope that helps.