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Include more detail in the Portal add data listing or maybe hover pop-up

03-08-2017 10:46 AM
Status: Open
MVP Frequent Contributor

Include more detail in the Portal add data listing or maybe hover pop-up

ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5:

Created a couple ArcGIS Server folders to hold map services for Production and Test Web AppBuilder applications.

We can successfully publish an mxd into both folders (AND) use the same map service name such as LandDivisions.

We just have to publish them one at a time so we can use Portal My Content's root folder to move the portal items that are simultaneously created while publishing (Federated) into corresponding Portal for ArcGIS My Content folders (Production & Test).

Then in Portal's My Content folder of Test, added one of the portal items to a new webmap fine.

But when we use the add button to bring in a second map service/portal item such as LandDivisions, Portal lists both items of LandDivisions - you can't tell which one is from which portal content folder just by looking at the list.

Fortunately, we can click on an item in that list and click "Item Details" and it's Overview page includes which Portal folder it's coming from.


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