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Enhance Web app Item Details

06-14-2022 08:20 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

To make us more efficient, reduce errors, and generally make our puny GIS lives easier, it would be cool in Enterprise Portal if users could click "View item details" of an on-premise App and on the details page see:

  • The map service(s) being consumed by that app
  • All the data layers the map service(s) is (are) consuming

Or even better, print a report the details all apps and their associated map services and layers.  And not just as python scripts to do this  (I think that's such a cheesy cop-out) - actually include it in the Portal environment.

This should be all on the item details page of an app.  Currently a user must select "Edit Application" and then click "Map" and then click "More details....." to get the name of the map tied to the app and all of the Layers in the "Map" of the App.