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Category Selector Like

01-08-2018 08:50 AM
Frequent Contributor

I would like to use the category selector on a string field and use a Like Operator.     It does not look like this is possible.  I am trying to create a drop down category selector to filter hydrants by the shift(A,B, or C) they are assigned to for flushing.   

The field containing the Shift has the station number and shift (ex 601A).

The Feature Layer I am using is coming from ArcSDE on our internal ArcGIS Server and I would rather not have to add a field.    One idea I had was to add a table with just the shift (A,B, C) and join it to the ArcSDE Feature Class.

Am I missing something here?    If not,   anyone figured out a work around?     



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@AllenDailey1  and @EllenLester1 

I'm attempting to implement both of your solutions to allow users to visualize project locations (points) that occur within buildings, but I am still struggling to get a result that allows the users to select multiple building buttons  and have the dashboard display all project results as long as they meet at least one criteria.

I created a sql view that populates a "yes" value into fields (one field per building) when the building value is found within the Locations field (Building 1, Building 2, etc..).  Then setup individual selectors for each building and configured the actions.

Where I am getting hung up is when activating more than one button, it becomes exclusionary. For example many projects may only occur within Building 1, but in some cases some projects span across both Building 1 and Building 2.  When selecting both Building 1 and Building 2, buttons, only results are shown for where that intersection occurs and Building 1 only, or Building 2 only projects are eliminated from display. 

The desired result would be for any projects that = yes for a building are displayed, regardless of the number of buildings they occur in. Essentially in need it to function as an OR not an AND.  The more buttons that are activated the more project locations should be displayed, it should always add, and include projects as long as they meet at least one criteria.

Any insight on how I can achieve this would be greatly appreciated.