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All Element Filters "Within the Last" x number of days disappeared after 6/22/2022

06-23-2022 11:34 AM
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Regular Contributor

Hi All - opened one of my Dashboards today and quickly realized all data filters, for all items which I repeatedly use to return records "Within the Last" 365 days completely disappeared. Lists, Gauges, Indicators - all lost the filter by date/days difference parameter. This Dashboard is shared only within the Organization. I hope this isnt something likely to reoccur? There have been other issues within the last couple of years with this filter by date/days ranges, and I am aware this filter method should not be used on publicly shared Dashboards due to the heavy resources it uses. Anyone else seen the same behavior after 6/22/2022?


16 Replies
Regular Contributor

Just on here now with same issue with date related details and indicators.  Anyone else?  I know there was an online update last night.  Did that affect the dashboards?

Frequent Contributor

I am having the same issue. Yesterday all the visuals in my dashboard were working, but now any that use a date as the grouping value, or with a filter don't work, in particular the serial charts - I can't display anything using a date as the category field.

I can see an error in my ArcGIS Server Logs:

An invalid where clause or definition expression has been requested: "((LastVisited BETWEEN timestamp 'Invalid DateTime' AND timestamp 'Invalid DateTime' OR LastVisited BETWEEN timestamp 'Invalid DateTime' AND timestamp 'Invalid DateTime')) AND (LastVisited IS NOT NULL)"

It looks like it is passing timestamps in a way that is not working.

Regular Contributor

Looks there are only 2 of us, haha.  Any troubleshooting ideas?    I made a copy of my existing dashboard, deleted the date selector, and even deleted the sidebar, then recreated the elements and the actions... still no joy.


I have older dashboards with the old date selector and they work fine.  Current ones have been updated as ESRI made changes.  There were some hiccups, but they have survived.

I made a new dashboard and the date is passed correctly.  I really don't want to rebuild from scratch.

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Frequent Contributor

So I got a little further on this - it appears there is a toggle for " parse dates " when I try and select the Category field. 

When I turn that off the data does load, but in long number format, which is not useful at all (see screenshot). The interesting thing is that when I look at the data table below the preview of the visual it is parsing the dates correctly, even when the parse dates option is toggled on.

My feature services list the date as esriFieldTypeDate so I don't know if there is an issue with that.

Regular Contributor

In case your layers are hosted in 10.9.1 (as are mine), here is a related BUG incident you may be able to follow.

#BUG-000150235 Date filter action on all Dashboard widgets is returning "cannot access data" and a data source error when data is hosted in 10.8.1 or 10.9.1 and brought into ArcGIS Online


Frequent Contributor

Thanks for that. I sent it in as a report case with Esri and got a link to the same bug this morning. My data is referenced from 10.8.1. Hope they fix it soon.

Regular Contributor

I was able to just re-add all the filters for date based filter conditions and the Dashboard is now back to what it was, and fulfills its purpose again (these date based filters were used on almost every element). I would hope an ESRI rep /developer might chime in and offer some explanation, and try and reassure this wont likely happen again? Are there really only a few of us that experienced this issue?

We certainly appreciate all the effort and work put into building these apps and enhancing AGOL, but to have a heavily used functional Dashboard, where the next day (for no apparent reason) is essentially worthless after an update, is really unreassuring, and I believe undermines the confidence of relying on these tools. Thanks. 

Regular Contributor

The data affected in my Dashboard is an AGOL hosted layer

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Occasional Contributor

Yes. Same thing happened to us and we have dozens of date filters across many dashboards that are public. We had to rush to try to fix and re-configure many complex dashboards.


The update didn't even have any mention of changes/enhancements to dashboards so this is very unexpected. We are even part of the early adopters program to try and prepare for these issues but it does not seem to provide any additional insights since the products and features that aren't even in the update plan are breaking for no apparent reason as you say!

Definitely not reassuring...