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Synchronizing same layers in different maps

10-04-2021 01:12 PM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

Some times is useful to have the same feature layer in different maps rendered by different attributes. If the elements of the dashboard show information from this feature layer, they must pick the data only from one of the maps. That makes that only one map is able to filter the data source of the elements by selection. Although we can define a filter in both maps to the same table, that doesn't work as updating a selection but filtering over a filtered data. 

Because the object of interest is the same in both maps, it would be desirable to have the possibility to select the same feature in different maps as if it were the same feature layer. I understand that, although the source is the same feature layer, they are different instances in each map. The idea is to synchronize both layers so changes in the state of one updates the other and vice versa. 

Then, I won't necessary to define filters in both maps. In a cascade effect, a selection in one map provokes an update of the selection on the other that triggers the filter of the data.

Thank you