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Location Tracking with 10.2

12-11-2013 06:05 PM
Frequent Contributor
G'day All

Trying to follow the instructions at:

At Step 8. I can see no Update Item option.
Actually, there is no Supported Options section at all.

What have I done wrong?

Thanks for your time
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14 Replies
Frequent Contributor
G'day Russ

Silly me deleted all my Portal content to start afresh.

I'm back to not being able to see Location Tracking Application setting 😞

Can only get better
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Frequent Contributor
G'day Russ

Ok, if I publish the Service Definition file via Portal I can see the Location Tracking Application Setting when I click Edit for a Map.
If I publish via ArcMap I don't see the Location Tracking option?!?!

So now I go to set my tracking interval.
After  I click Save, the Edit Map page hangs with Please wait... where the thumbnail and edit button would be.
If I exit / view the page in another tab, the Location Tracking remains unset.

Update on republishing services as hosted.
I have two lots of four feature classes.
One lot is what I would like the field to edit.
The other lot is what is currently approved, from the field and other sources.

I can publish each field feature class as an individual service.
When I try to publish all four field feature classes in the one service ArcMap crashes.

Running out of options to get this working.
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Esri Notable Contributor
Which browser are you using the save? Maybe try another browser and see if that works? If possible can you share your portal with me through a private message and I can see if I can help you out?

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Frequent Contributor
Ok ... FINALLY worked it out, by accident.

The save edits of a portal map hanging that is.

I had a couple of 'local' web services in my portal map and the default ArcGIS Online basemap.

If I replaced the base map service with a local service then the portal map would save straight away.

A few other equally odd behaviours to get to this point and hopefully our local ESRI Support will be passing them on.

Still some issues with publishing hosted services and just skipped that for now and published unhosted.
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Frequent Contributor
Next question ... how do I set this to answered?

I don't see the answered buttons on the right hand side like in other forum sections.
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