Push Only - New Collector

02-06-2019 06:18 AM
Status: Open
New Contributor III

Push Only is a good tool in the collector classic. It would be perfect to have this tool in the projects we do not need to sync from the server to the device.

1 Comment

Although the new Collector app does technically have the ability to change the settings so that data is not synced from the server to the device, it is now set within the map settings in AGOL instead of directly in the Collector app, and only applies to editable data. Read only data will always download, although you can exclude attachments from downloading.

However, I agree that it would be extremely useful to still be able to control this directly on the device as well.

My specific suggestions related to this feature:

- Could there be an additional option in the advanced settings in AGOL for editable features, something like "Device will download existing features and attachments but not get updates"

- Could there also be some way to override the sync direction (push/pull or push only) directly on the device for each map in case situations change on the fly?

See this posting for more detail and specific scenarios that are impacted by the new approach:
