"Error executing tool. Export Web Map Task" on secure layer

01-30-2018 12:05 PM
New Contributor II

I saw this question asked in a different part of the forums and it was never answered.  I am having the same issue.  

I am trying to use the print widget to print a secure map (per the below example of a secure map).  None of our stuff is on-prem, it's all ESRI cloud. 

I am using a proxy from GitHub - GitHub - Esri/resource-proxy and all calls work fine - except the print widget when attempting to export a SECURE map.  I have ensured my credentials were working correctly.  

{"error":{"code":400,"message":"Unable to complete operation.","details":["Error executing tool. Export Web Map Task : Layer \"2016 USA Population Density\": Unable to connect to map server at https://demographics6.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/USA_Demographics_and_Boundaries_2016/MapServer... to execute (Export Web Map).\nFailed to execute (Export Web Map Task)."]}}

Thanks in advance,


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11 Replies
New Contributor II

Unfortunately this is for on prem servers.  I don't see this as part of the esri API. 
Overview | API Reference | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.6 

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New Contributor II

Hey Chris wondered if you had any other thoughts? chrissmith

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