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DGM1 (.xyz) Daten in ArcGis importieren

11-07-2013 05:56 AM
New Contributor

I dont know if i am correct under this topic but I try.

I have to work with Mike21, a hydrodynamic Flow Modelling Programm. In an Manual is described that i have to convert my ESRI Raster to .dfs2 Mike Format. So i have to use ArcMap and import my .xyz Data and get the ESRI Raster Format. In the internet i found several solutions, but they dont work.

I got my data from official Office. The DGM1 is in the .xyz Format. Each of the files are about 121 MB in size. In addition there is one .csv File added. See the screenshot.


Excel dont work because there are to many points ... !
3Dto feature Class dont work ...mmaybe ive done something wrong. .. !

This tool found in this Forum. Should be the correct one but i dont know why it doesnt work.

How can I import the .xyz Files in ARCMAP?

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Occasional Contributor

I dont know if i am correct under this topic but I try.

I have to work with Mike21, a hydrodynamic Flow Modelling Programm. In an Manual is described that i have to convert my ESRI Raster to .dfs2 Mike Format. So i have to use ArcMap and import my .xyz Data and get the ESRI Raster Format. In the internet i found several solutions, but they dont work.

I got my data from official Office. The DGM1 is in the .xyz Format. Each of the files are about 121 MB in size. In addition there is one .csv File added. ...

Excel dont work because there are to many points ... !
3Dto feature Class dont work ...mmaybe ive done something wrong. .. !

This tool found in this Forum. Should be the correct one but i dont know why it doesnt work.

How can I import the .xyz Files in ARCMAP? ...


Pls it is best to request ESRI ASCII directly from that official office (very often to offer), and then use the Grd2Mike tool.

[INDENT]* dfs2 file, which can be easily generated from bathymetry data which given in ASCII format
(.asc) by using the Grd2Mike tool in the MikeZero Toolbox (MZToolbox > GIS > Grd2Mike)[/INDENT]

Or use the GP tools called 'ASCII 3D to Feature Class' and then 'Feature Class Z to ASCII'...
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