Introduce Yourself!

02-02-2018 12:21 PM
Esri Community Manager

Welcome to GeoNet!


We are a community that collaborates, learns and shares together. To help you connect with other members, we started this introduction thread. Think of this as your intro to GeoNet networking and a chance to get to know  each other as we begin our GeoNet journey.


Please introduce yourself to the rest of the community by sharing your answers to the questions in the comments section below.

  • Where do you work and what is your role? 
  • What GIS success have you had this year and what product did you use? (big or small - no win is out of bounds)
  • What is your expertise (GIS related or not), and how can that help the community?


Bonus Round! Post the coordinates to your favorite place on earth.

note: this post has been archived, and is available in read only mode. To create a new introduction, please visit the new GeoNet Member Introductions‌ space. Thank you!

Michelle Mathias
Manager, Community Experience & Programs
324 Replies
New Contributor II

The Cherry Blossoms in D.C. at the Tidal Basin are beautiful! My family sent me pictures cause I'm studying down in the south, I am jealous of the various types that are there! 

New Contributor II

Where do you work and what is your role? 

I work for a refinery in southwestern Indiana, and I'm their new (and only!) GIS specialist.  Along with a multi-disciplinary team, I am building an Enterprise deployment that will enable better data storage and access, better regulatory compliance tracking, and more efficient and effective field workflows.

What GIS success have you had this year and what product did you use? (big or small - no win is out of bounds)

I've been out of the industry for several years, but I've always enjoyed spatial science, so my biggest win this year is getting back into a career I love!

What is your expertise (GIS related or not), and how can that help the community?

I was an environmental toxicologist and molecular biologist for years, and my thesis used a combination of modeling techniques, both geo-referenced and non-spatial, to describe a critical ecosystem and determine threats to its health.  

Bonus round!

44.460249, -110.828153

Esri Community Manager

Hi Erin,  Welcome to GeoNet, The Esri Community!  I hope the community is helpful to you as you jump back into the GIS world! Here are a few places in the community you might find interesting:

ArcGIS Enterprise

Product Communities

Industry Communities

Love your favorite place, I was able to visit Old Faithful for the first time two years ago, so amazing!

Michelle Mathias
Manager, Community Experience & Programs
0 Kudos
New Contributor

Hi Everyone!

My name is Cassidy Exum and I am an undergraduate student at the University of Texas at Dallas, currently in my senior year. I plan to graduate December of this year with my Bachelor's degree in GIS.

I am in the Mu Gamma chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon International Geographical Honor Society and I work in the Geospatial Analytics And Innovative Applications Lab at UTDallas. I have taken some GIS courses that use ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap but I still feel behind at times. I always am interested in learning more about the tools available in ArcGIS software packages. 

I am by no means an expert, but I do have some experience through labs and projects. I joined this community because I want to network with others who are passionate about GIS and I hope to learn from professionals and experts how to further my skills and what kinds of jobs and opportunities there are in the field of GIS.

One thing I especially need to work on is my programming skills, mainly Python. 

I look forward to getting to know all of you!


Esri Community Manager

Hi Cassidy,

Welcome to GeoNet, the Esri Community!  This is a great place to meet other GIS professionals, and students, I hope you find it valuable. We have a really active community around Python so hopefully that will be of use to you as you expand your programming skills. 

Here are a few places to get you started:


New to GIS

Product Communities




Michelle Mathias
Manager, Community Experience & Programs
0 Kudos
New Contributor II

Hi, I'm trying to introduce myself . I'm lost. I do not see who 

I  communicate to ?  Kindly, Mary-Ann

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi Mary-Ann Noe‌!

You do not need to communicate to anyone in particular, but rather post on the thread like you just did ^ with your information and what you'd like to share. Hope this helps!

Esri Community Manager

Hi Mary-Ann,  Alexandra is correct, you are introducing yourself to anyone in the community. I am the Community Manager and I tend to respond to the intro messages with a welcome and helpful information.  This is a friendly community her to help you get started.  

Cheers, Michelle

Michelle Mathias
Manager, Community Experience & Programs
0 Kudos
New Contributor II

Hello, I hope all is well! 

My name is Nadia Noori and I recently graduated from the City University of New York, Brooklyn College last year. Currently I live in North Dakota and work at the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, US Geological Survey as a GIS Specialist (Contractor). The focus of my main project is to quantify ecosystem services in the Prairie Pothole region. 

Thurs far, my most memorable GIS success I've had this year is creating a model to understand the relative level of habitat quality and degradation on the current landscape of a county in our region. I used ArcGIS Pro to create my data layers and used InVEST to run the model. 

I have a bachelors of science in the earth and environment and taking a brief hiatus working in the geo-sciences until I go back to school for my masters. I am gaining lots of experience through the technical work of the project I'm involved in and that was a must in my gap as I wanted to learn real life scenarios rather than textbook knowledge. I took a couple courses in college, an advanced gis and remote sensing class, and a field mapping course as well. I completed a fellowship with the USFWS creating a protocol to map invasive species in the pacific Northwest. In my downtime I use online resources and classes available to study coding languages and practice. 

I have a lot more to learn and no where near the goal I see for myself just yet, this is why I'm here! I want to contribute what I can through my knowledge of GIS and Arc programs, as well as absorb as many skills and methods too to achieve the objective I have set for myself. 

Aspiring GIS Developer, 

Nadia Noori 

Oh! Here's my favorite place on earth...179° 56′ 39.4″  +0° 2′ 46.2″

Esri Community Manager

Nadia Noori, Welcome to GeoNet, The Esri Community! Your habitat quality project sounds really interesting! I hope you find our community helpful as you continue to expand your knowledge and share with others along the way!

Here are a few places of interest:

ArcGIS Pro

Natural History GIS

Imagery and Remote Sensing

Let me know if you need help navigating the community!

Cheers, Michelle

Michelle Mathias
Manager, Community Experience & Programs
0 Kudos