Understanding percentage drop-raster (flow direction-tool, TWI)

10-25-2013 01:32 AM
New Contributor
I'm creating a Topographic Wetness Index using a python script (http://arcscripts.esri.com/details.asp?dbid=16750)

As I don't want this just to be a blackbox, I'm trying to understand the different rasters this script produces. One of them is outdrop-raster, which is a by-product of flow direction raster. According to ESRI:

"The output drop raster is calculated as the difference in z-value divided by the path length between the cell centers, expressed in percentages. For adjacent cells, this is analogous to the percent slope between cells. Across a flat area, the distance becomes the distance to the nearest cell of lower elevation. The result is a map of percent rise in the path of steepest descent from each cell."

..which seems reasonable. The problem is, that there are several numbers which pop out. For example 16,666.. % and 25 % are by far the most common numbers, why? I'm sure there is an explanation for this, but I just can't figure it out. It doesn't seem logical to have continuous elevation (thus slope) data and results that are not (that) continuous. Original data is low-density LiDAR DEM (2 m pix), values are 32 bit float (197.132, 198.013 m etc.).
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I'll answer to myself:

It seems that all the values are rounded to the nearest 0,5. So 0,401 m / 2.8284 m = 0,14177, would instead be 0,5/3 = 16,6667. Or if distance is 2 metres, then 0,5/2 = 25 %. In the manual it says the values are rounded in FLAT areas, which seems to be a little off considering it does that where slope is 25 %. Another remark is that in flat areas (lakes) the drop percentages are indeed continuous!


Here's a sample showing what I mean. Darker gray equals flow direcetion to lower left and percentage 16,666 % drop while lighter gray here has 25 % drop and flow direction to the left.
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
I'll answer to myself:

It seems that all the values are rounded to the nearest 0,5. So 0,401 m / 2.8284 m = 0,14177, would instead be 0,5/3 = 16,6667. Or if distance is 2 metres, then 0,5/2 = 25 %. In the manual it says the values are rounded in FLAT areas, which seems to be a little off considering it does that where slope is 25 %. Another remark is that in flat areas (lakes) the drop percentages are indeed continuous!


Here's a sample showing what I mean. Darker gray equals flow direcetion to lower left and percentage 16,666 % drop while lighter gray here has 25 % drop and flow direction to the left.

Hi Henri,

I had a look at the original script and your data noticed a few things:

  • the script assumes a cell size of 5m

  • you are working with a DEM with 2m cell size

  • it uses the old arcgisscripting library

The assumption of 5m cell size is based on the following lines in the script:

  • gp.times_sa(Output_Plus_raster, "25", Output_Times_raster) # calculates area of cell 5x5=25m

  • Input_true_raster_or_constant_value = "5" # distance between cell centers horizontally and vertically

  • false_raster_or_constant_value = "7.07" # distance between cell centers diagonally

I adopted the code to arcpy (10.2) and added some code to retrieve the cell size from the input DEM. No additional checks are added though. I used it on a DSM (including buildings and flat terrain giving high and low values) and couldn't reproduce the effects you describe. Give it a try and let me know how it went.

Example usage:

#   Created By: Prasad A Pathak
# Purpose: Calculate Topographic Wetness Index: natural logarithm of area divided by slope
# It indicates the probable water saturation level of the ground
# By default, ArcGIS calculates slope by considering just 3 X 3 neighborhood
# For this index a slope is calculated from the topmost pixel to any particular pixel is needed
# This is acheived by calculating the minimum elevation raster

# small adaptions to ArcGIS 10.2 by Xander Bakker
# - adapted to arcpy
# - cellsize is determined from input DEM
# - output TWI is name (string) not raster dataset

# Import system modules
import arcpy
import os
import math
from arcpy import env
env.overwriteOutput = True

# Get the name of folder
env.workspace = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)

#Input DEM
InDEM = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)

#Output TWI raster NAME
OutTWI = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) # note this was a raster, is now changed to a name

# Check out license for Spatial Analyst

# determine cellsize of input raster
desc = arcpy.Describe(InDEM)
cellsize = desc.meanCellHeight # new

# Variables used
Output_surface_raster = env.workspace + os.sep + "eldodem_fill"
Output_flow_direction_raster = env.workspace + os.sep  + "eldodem_flw"
Output_drop_raster = env.workspace + os.sep + "eldodem_drp"
Output_accumulation_raster = env.workspace + os.sep  + "eldodem_acc"
Output_Plus_raster = env.workspace + os.sep  + "eldodempls"
Output_Times_raster = env.workspace + os.sep  + "eldodemtim"
Output_Mean_elev_raster = env.workspace + os.sep  + "mean_elev"
Output_edrop = env.workspace + os.sep  + "edrop"
Out_change = env.workspace + os.sep  + "change_elev"
Out_distance = env.workspace + os.sep  + "distance"
Out_slope = env.workspace + os.sep  + "slope"
Out_preatan = env.workspace + os.sep  + "preatan"
Out_TWI_raster = env.workspace + os.sep  + OutTWI # new

# Fill DEM to make it depressionless
filledDEM = arcpy.sa.Fill(InDEM)
print "DEM filled"
arcpy.AddMessage("DEM filled")

# Flow Direction
flowDir = arcpy.sa.FlowDirection(filledDEM,"NORMAL",Output_drop_raster)
print "Flow direction raster created successfully"
arcpy.AddMessage("Flow direction raster created successfully")

# Flow Accumulation
flowAcc = arcpy.sa.FlowAccumulation(flowDir,"","FLOAT")
print "Flow accumulation raster created successfully"
arcpy.AddMessage("Flow accumulation raster created successfully")

# One is added to each pixel to get an count of how many pixel including the current are contributing the flow
flowAccPlus1 = flowAcc + 1
print "addition raster created successfully"
arcpy.AddMessage("addition raster created successfully")

# Contributing Area using the number of pixels and
flowAccPlus1Times = flowAccPlus1 * cellsize**2
print "multiplication raster created successfully"
arcpy.AddMessage("multiplication raster created successfully")

# Process: Block Statistics...
meanElev = arcpy.sa.BlockStatistics(filledDEM, arcpy.sa.NbrRectangle(3, 3, "CELL"),"MINIMUM", "DATA")
print "MIN elevation raster created successfully"
arcpy.AddMessage("MIN elevation raster created successfully")

eDrop = filledDEM - meanElev
print "EDROP raster created successfully"
arcpy.AddMessage("EDROP raster created successfully")

Input_false_raster_or_constant_value = 0.005
outChange = arcpy.sa.Con(eDrop >= 0.005, eDrop, Input_false_raster_or_constant_value)
print "Change elevation raster created successfully"
arcpy.AddMessage("Change elevation raster created successfully")

inListras = arcpy.sa.InList(flowDir,[1,4,16,64])
Input_true_raster_or_constant_value = cellsize
false_raster_or_constant_value = cellsize * math.sqrt(2)
outDist = arcpy.sa.Con(arcpy.sa.IsNull(inListras),false_raster_or_constant_value,Input_true_raster_or_constant_value)
print "Distance raster created successfully"
arcpy.AddMessage("Distance raster created successfully")

outSlope = outChange / outDist
print "Slope raster created successfully"
arcpy.AddMessage("Slope raster created successfully")

outPreatan = flowAccPlus1Times / outSlope
print "Pre-atan raster created successfully"
arcpy.AddMessage("Pre-atan raster created successfully")

outTWI = arcpy.sa.Ln(outPreatan)
print "TWI raster created successfully"
arcpy.AddMessage("TWI raster created successfully")

Kind regards,

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New Contributor
Thanks Xander,

Good point. I also noted those and had them corrected in my script. I Should've mentioned that.
(I'm running ArcGIS 10.1.).

Here's the Pathaks code modified :
# Import system modules
import arcpy, sys, string, os, arcgisscripting
from arcpy import env  
from arcpy.sa import *

# Geoprocessor object
gp = arcgisscripting.create(10.1)

gp.overwriteoutput = 1

# Input DEM #
#set workspace (file directory)
env.workspace = "G:\\xxxx\\LiDAR\\TWI\\"
#set dem name (inside workspace)
InDEM = 'dem_ldm.tif'


#Output TWI
rasterOutTWI = "G:\\xxxx\\LiDAR\\TWI\\"

# Load toolbox
gp.AddToolbox("C:/ESRI/Desktop/Desktop10.1/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Spatial Analyst Tools.tbx")


# Fill DEM to make it depressionless
outfill = Fill(InDEM)
print "DEM filled"

# Flow Direction
outdrop = "G:\\xxxx\\LiDAR\\TWI\\outdrop"
flow_dir = FlowDirection(outfill, "NORMAL", outdrop)
print "Flow direction raster created successfully"

# Flow Accumulation
flow_accu = FlowAccumulation(flow_dir, "",  "FLOAT")
print "Flow accumulation raster created successfully"

# One is added to each pixel to get an count of how many pixel including the current are contributing the flow
plus_raster = Plus(flow_accu, 1)
print "addition raster created successfully"

# Contributing Area using the number of pixels and 
Times_raster = Times(plus_raster, 4)
print "multiplication raster created successfully"

# Process: Block Statistics...
Output_Mean_elev_raster = BlockStatistics(outfill, "Rectangle 3 3 CELL", "MINIMUM", "DATA")
print "MIN elevation raster created successfully"

Output_Mean_elev_raster = Minus(Output_Mean_elev_raster, outdrop)
print "EDROP raster created successfully"

Input_false_raster_or_constant_value = "0,005"
Out_change = Con(outdrop, outdrop, Input_false_raster_or_constant_value, "\"VALUE\" >= 0,005")
print "Change elevation raster created successfully"

Input_true_raster_or_constant_value = "2"
false_raster_or_constant_value = "2,828427125"

Out_distance = Con(flow_dir, Input_true_raster_or_constant_value, false_raster_or_constant_value, "\"VALUE\" = 1 OR \"VALUE\" = 4 OR \"VALUE\" = 16 OR \"VALUE\" = 64")
print "Distance raster created successfully"

Out_slope = Divide(Out_change, Out_distance)
print "Slope raster created successfully"

Out_preatan = Divide(Times_raster, Out_slope) 
print "Pre-atan raster created successfully"

TWI = Ln(Out_preatan)
print "TWI raster created successfully"


So maybe I should just drop the arcscripting?

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Esri Esteemed Contributor
So maybe I should just drop the arcscripting?

Hi Henri,

I think it is a good idea to drop the arcgisscripting, since it requires loading the toolboxes and the location of those depend on the installation location, which makes it less interchangeable:

# Load toolbox
gp.AddToolbox("C:/ESRI/Desktop/Desktop10.1/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Spatial Analyst Tools.tbx")

I think the code I attached in the previous post will work with 10.1 too (haven't tried though). Just change the lines:

# Get the name of folder
env.workspace = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)

#Input DEM
InDEM = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)

#Output TWI raster NAME
OutTWI = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2)


env.workspace = "G:\\xxxx\\LiDAR\\TWI\\"
InDEM = 'dem_ldm.tif'
OutTWI = "TWI01" # or a different name

and see if it runs...

Kind regards,

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New Contributor
It ran trough, but drop-value problem remains.

(noticed a tiling effect, so there might be a projection problem here too -> looking into that currently)

best regards,
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
It ran trough, but drop-value problem remains.

(noticed a tiling effect, so there might be a projection problem here too -> looking into that currently)

best regards,

Hi Henri,

You're right the Blockstatistics causes this effect. Change it to FocalStatistics and that problem is most likely solved (parameters remain the same):

meanElev = arcpy.sa.BlockStatistics(filledDEM, arcpy.sa.NbrRectangle(3, 3, "CELL"),"MINIMUM", "DATA")


meanElev = arcpy.sa.FocalStatistics(filledDEM, arcpy.sa.NbrRectangle(3, 3, "CELL"),"MINIMUM", "DATA")

Kind regards,

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New Contributor
Yep, that's right.

Many thanks.

It runs through and everything seems logical here and I think this modified script is safer (however all the honors to Pathak for making the original script availalbe in the first place).  The original problems (drop-values) remains to be solved. The drop-values are still rounded to 16.666 and to 25 % as I mentioned before. With this new python-script I get less unique values, but still values are rounded up. I sent a piece of DEM to ESRI support to check it out. So let's see.

best regards,

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