No edits ('adds', 'updates' or 'deletes') were specified

09-04-2013 09:38 AM
Occasional Contributor
I'm editing data that is not versioned.  I can't figure out this error (faultcode -2147467259)

I'm trying to delete a row in a table.  I can add to this table and update the records, but it's not letting me delete.

this code throws the error every time:
featurelayer.applyEdits(null,null,[deleteGraphic], false, new asyncResponder(deleteDone, DeleteFail));

If I use this code, it updates my record successfully:
deleteGraphic.attributes={OBJECTID:event.item.OJBECTID, Contact:"test"}
featurelayer.applyEdits(null,[deleteGraphic],null, false, new asyncResponder(deleteDone, DeleteFail));

This is a mobile project, not sure if that matters.
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