pass data to Survey123 note or hidden field not working

12-14-2016 10:54 AM
Occasional Contributor III

ArcGIS online popup config, custom attribute display.

I included a link to survey123 in the correct format, but I cannot pass data from the clicked feature to any survey123 fields that are type: "note" or "hidden".


I checked the schema field type of the hidden and note field and its string, this matches the feature service attribute type.

passing data to a survey123 type: "text" field works fine, but it has to be editable, i.e. read_only = "".

I'm just trying to link clicked features to forms, WITHOUT the field being editable in survey123. If you pass a string to a type: "text" field in survey123 it works, but what happens when the user edits that no longer have joinable data.

This is why I wanted to pass a value to a hidden or non-editable field but I just cant....

any ideas?

16 Replies
New Contributor III

dbecker88‌ Have you had any success working around this? I stumbled onto the same issue; it seems like a reasonable work-around until Survey123 is capable of updating existing feature class records. At least you can connect your survey back to your data after the fact.

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Occasional Contributor III

I just came across the same issue, I would like to pass two values from Collector to my Survey123 form and lock them from editing in Survey123. Tried making them hidden, notes and read only, unfortunately none of these populate with the values coming from Collector. As far as I can tell there is no way to lock the values. If someone comes up with a solution please share.

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Occasional Contributor III

I am also looking for the same capability.  It makes sense to want to pass the unique feature ID from Collector to Survey123 and have the ID value not editable within the survey.

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Occasional Contributor III

I did not make any headway in getting a read-only value to populate in survey123.

I just told all the field staff to NOT TOUCH the ID field that was pre-populated from Collector.

The ideal scenario would be to use survey123 hidden field, then field staff won't even ask a question.

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Occasional Contributor III

Thanks, Dan.  I just posted an idea related to this.... 

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Occasional Contributor III

I was able to pass a value to a note field (but not a hidden field) in survey123 today. The trick is to use the calculate field as JTedrick suggested in his reply to this post on March 3rd. I used the function today() in three cells and the value of 1 in another cell. This is working on my desktop browser. On an IPad with Explorer it sort of works. The first two note values and the last note value pass correctly but the third and fourth one are not passing correctly in the iPad.

XML for passing note values

passed values into form

Occasional Contributor III

I now have it working on the iPad. I found that the two values that were not passing correctly were due to capitalization in the custom URL. I guess Survey123 on the iPad is pickier than on the desktop.

&field:containers_size={Containers_Size} - passed value correctly in desktop but not iPad

&field:containers_size={CONTAINERS_Size} - passed value correctly in desktop AND iPad

0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor III

Thanks, that trick worked!


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Esri Notable Contributor

Hi. This is to let you know that in version 2.1 (scheduled to be released this week)  we have  addressed this issue. You will be able to pass values to hidden and notes using the custom url scheme, and without  tricks...