Enable relationship between Hosted Service in Portal to SDE/SQL Feature Services

08-17-2017 10:01 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor II

We have recently used Survey123 with submitted surveys and form template published to our federated Portal account. This feature layer, however, is "Hosted" in the Data Store and cannot be related/data linked to our other feature services stored via ArcGIS Server through our enterprise SQL/SDE system. This makes the Hosted data very difficult to use in applications since the schema and storage is so different, other than yanking a copy each day to our SQL so the various layers and "communicate". While I realize Survey123, Portal and the hosted Data Store are all relatively new applications and organization, it would be GREATLY appreciated if ESRI moved forward with correcting this disconnect.

One very helpful option would be to simply publish our data directly to our SQL/SDE database to begin with from Survey123 and exposed as a regular service rather than in the "Hosted" Data Store. Rather like Collector behaves (editable feature service from our own SQL/SDE).


Hi Sheri,

Survey123 can already work with your existing enterprise geodatabase. In the situation you describe, you are using Survey123 Connect to author the schema of the feature service in addition to creating the form item. If you already have a table you want the survey to write to, you can use the submission url capability to write directly to the feature service - see Use Survey123 with existing feature services—Survey123 for ArcGIS | ArcGIS . If you also want Survey123 to create the schema, I would suggest you publish as normal to your Data Store, and then download the (empty) feature service as a file geodatabase. You then can copy the the feature classes into your enterprise geodatabase and then implement the submission url capability.


Wow - really wish I'd known from the get-go! My bad for not finding this thread originally. I just went through the process and published the new survey fine. Just tested in Survey123 for ArcGIS - submissions are in the feature class!