Common pitfalls in administration tasks and license assignment in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise with ArcGIS API for Python

08-02-2018 02:49 AM
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Esri Deutschland developed a python tool based on ArcGIS API for Python to manage licenses and Named User in ArcGIS  and ArcGIS Enterprise. The tool is named ArcGIS Python package for user administration (ArcGIS admin toolbox). Information on this tool can be found in a blog on GIS IQ (in german language). While optimizing, several pitfalls and common reasons for major errors in user administration tasks and license assignment could be identified. Problems occur, when programmers do not notice, that some items do not exist at a certain point or for certain users or some items are assigned to users, which then prevents functions from completion. The most common identified pitfalls in administration tasks and license assignment are presented below.

1. Deleting User

Deleting Named User fails if a user has one or more licenses assigned, to ensure deleting works without any problem, programmers are reminded to always revoke licenses before deleting users. Exceptions should always be handled correctly, exceptions invisible to the user may also prevent scripts from working correctly. Sometimes missing attributes like biography-description-texts can lead to malfunctioning of scripts, it is always suggested to use if-else-queries to prevent accessing attributes, which are missing.

Missing biography-description-text causes delete to fail

Deleting Named User from ArcGIS  can be safely performed if the user:

  • Has no licenses assigned
  • Missing properties (e.g. biography-description-text) for users are properly handled
  • Unimportant exceptions are properly handled

2. Assigning Licenses

Assigning licenses to Named User fails if users are not entitled to use the requested license. If licenses are not available in the user’s organization, but are hard-coded and therefore required for every user, a exception may be raised if licenses are not available in some organizations. Invalid licenses as well as a missing count of licenses also prevent programs from running correctly. If-else-queries help to avoid running into problems and notify the user of invalid arguments. Exceptions should always be handled correctly, exceptions invisible to the user may also prevent scripts from working correctly.

If-queries to inform users on invalid arguments or properly handle list and string objects

Assigning Licenses to users in ArcGIS  works flawlessly if:

  • The user has the rights and is entitled for the requested license
  • The requested license is available for the user’s organization
  • The requested license is a valid license
  • Enough licenses are available
  • Unimportant exceptions are properly handled

3. Revoking Licenses

Misspelling or non-existence of licenses or Named User is also a common cause for errors. Revoking licenses will fail if a requested user, whose license should be revoked is misspelled or does not exist. License being revoked from users must be previously assigned to the user. 

Revoking Licenses from users in ArcGIS  works flawlessly if:

  • The requested user exists
  • The requested license to revoke has been assigned to the user
  • The requested license to revoke is a valid license
  • Unimportant exceptions are properly handled


ArcGIS API for Python provides several functions for user administration, license assignment and revoking of licenses. There are several ways of accessing these functions and use them in scripts. It is up to the programmer to implement tasks and workflows properly. Beginners should note, that the API requires at least basic know-how on programming tasks and procedures and does not check if users that should be deleted, have licenses assigned. The programmer should be aware, that non-revoked licenses may cause deleting tasks to fail. Though there are a few things to notice, it is great to have many opportunities to do user administration tasks in python with the ArcGIS API for Python. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me or leave a comment in the comment section below.

About the Author
From May to July 2018 I worked at Esri Germany as trainee. I currently do my Master courses in Geoinformatics at University of Augsburg. In year 2015 I finished my Bachelor courses in Geography at University of Augsburg.