Combined Field Statistics Addin for ArcMap 10.4

03-07-2016 06:56 AM
Esri Contributor
0 0 161
Combined-Field-Statistics-GUI.pngI'm currently working on a new add-in toolkit for ArcMap 10.4 to analyze and display rates of disease occurrence in a map.  This is a work-in-progress and I will provide more details about it in the coming months.  But in the meantime I want to share with you the result of a smaller project that was borne out of the disease mapping project.

One of the requirements for the disease mapping project is the ability to calculate the sums of values from age group columns in a feature layer.  Generally, the tool of choice for a task like this is the Summary Statistics geoprocessing tool in ArcToolBox.  However, I also needed the ability to calculate sums from the combined values in multiple age group columns.  For example, to calculate the total number of individuals in columns for ages 0 -4 and 5 - 9, to obtain an aggregate total for ages 0 - 9.

It occurred to me that this capability could have broader applications if the tool could also calculate the full set of statistics provided by the Summary Statistics tool.  So I decided to build a Combined-Field-Statistics-Result.pngmore generic stand-alone addin tool in parallel with the disease mapping toolkit.  The result of this effort is the Combined Field Statistics Addin.  This tool is very simple to use and includes a detailed user guide to get you started.  It also generates an output log so you can keep track of how the tool was configured to generate a particular output.  If this capability sounds useful to you give it a try and let me know what you think in the comments!

Download links:Combined Field Statistics (addin + documentation)Combined Field Statistics (source code + documentation)