Ideas Implemented in the March 2017 ArcGIS Online Update

03-02-2017 12:50 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
4 0 1,256

The March 2017 ArcGIS Online update included new functionality and some enhancements to existing functionality. Some of the new aspects were suggested and supported by users at ArcGIS Ideas. Here is a list of the ideas that were implemented and partially implemented at this release.

  1. Add the ability of one user to link multiple ArcGIS Online accounts 
  2. ArcGIS Online - Switch Between Accounts 
  3. Add option to hide organization user list (Role) 
  4. Allow non Admins to allow members to update all items in the group 
  5. Turn Off Fields in a Feature Layer 
  6. ArcGIS Online Template Branding 
  7. Timeslider default start date 
  8. Assignability of administrative privileges in an ArcGIS Online Organization (Partially Implemented)
  9. ArcGIS Online / Portal Timeslider: respect out-of-range end-dates (Partially Implemented)

Thanks for participating in our ArcGIS Ideas community!

Here you can see the list of all issues addressed in the March 2017 release:

ArcGIS Online Issues Addressed List - March 2017 Release 

- Katie