import arcpy import os import xml.dom.minidom as DOM def ScriptTool(map, service, summary, tags, description, overwriteService, enableEditing, enableSync, enableWFS, timezone, share_public, share_organization, share_groups, outdir): """ScriptTool function docstring""" # Set output file names sddraft_filename = service + ".sddraft" sddraft_output_filename = os.path.join(outdir, sddraft_filename) # Reference map to publish aprx ="CURRENT") m = aprx.listMaps(map)[0] # Create FeatureSharingDraft and set service properties sharing_draft = m.getWebLayerSharingDraft("HOSTING_SERVER", "FEATURE", service) sharing_draft.summary = summary sharing_draft.tags = tags sharing_draft.description = description sharing_draft.credits = "My Credits" sharing_draft.useLimitations = "My Use Limitations" sharing_draft.overwriteExistingService = overwriteService # Create Service Definition Draft file sharing_draft.exportToSDDraft(sddraft_output_filename) outsddraft = sddraft_output_filename arcpy.AddMessage("Service definition draft created") # Modify capabilities if enableEditing or enableSync: ModifyCapabilities(sddraft_output_filename, enableEditing, enableSync) if enableWFS: EnableWFS(sddraft_output_filename) # Set time zone if (timezone != ""): property_set = [{ "key": "dateFieldsRespectsDayLightSavingTime", "value": "true" }, { "key": "dateFieldsTimezoneID", "value": timezone }] SetTimezone(sddraft_output_filename, property_set=property_set) # Create Service Definition file sd_filename = service + ".sd" sd_output_filename = os.path.join(outdir, sd_filename) arcpy.StageService_server(sddraft_output_filename, sd_output_filename) arcpy.AddMessage("Service definition created") # Upload to portal output = arcpy.UploadServiceDefinition_server(sd_output_filename, "My Hosted Services", in_override="OVERRIDE_DEFINITION", in_public=share_public, in_organization=share_organization, in_groups=share_groups) arcpy.AddMessage("Service published") return output[5] def ModifyCapabilities(sddraft_output_filename, enableEditing, enableSync): capabilities = "Query" if enableEditing: capabilities += ",Create,Delete,Update,Editing" if enableSync: capabilities += ",Sync" # Modify feature layer capabilities to enable Create and Sync doc = DOM.parse(sddraft_output_filename) typeNames = doc.getElementsByTagName('TypeName') for typeName in typeNames: if == "FeatureServer": extension = typeName.parentNode for extElement in extension.childNodes: if extElement.tagName == 'Definition': for propArray in extElement.childNodes: if propArray.tagName == 'Info': for propSet in propArray.childNodes: for prop in propSet.childNodes: for prop1 in prop.childNodes: if prop1.tagName == "Key": if == 'webCapabilities': if prop1.nextSibling.hasChildNodes(): = capabilities else: txt = doc.createTextNode(capabilities) prop1.nextSibling.appendChild(txt) # Write to the .sddraft file f = open(sddraft_output_filename, 'w') doc.writexml(f) f.close() arcpy.AddMessage("Capabilities updated") return def EnableWFS(sddraft_output_filename): doc = DOM.parse(sddraft_output_filename) typeNames = doc.getElementsByTagName('TypeName') for typeName in typeNames: # Get the TypeName to enable if == "EnableWFSServer": extension = typeName.parentNode for extElement in extension.childNodes: # Enable feature access if extElement.tagName == 'Enabled': = 'true' # Write to the .sddraft file f = open(sddraft_output_filename, 'w') doc.writexml(f) f.close() arcpy.AddMessage("WFS set") return def SetTimezone(sddraftPath, property_set): # Read the sddraft xml doc = DOM.parse(sddraftPath) # Find all elements named TypeName. This is where the server object extension # (SOE) names are defined. typeNames = doc.getElementsByTagName('TypeName') for typeName in typeNames: # Get the TypeName to enable if == "MapServer": extension = typeName.parentNode # prp = extension.childNodes.getElementsByTagNameNS('PropertyArray') for extElement in extension.childNodes: if extElement.tagName == 'Definition': for definition in extElement.childNodes: if definition.tagName == 'ConfigurationProperties': for config_prop in definition.childNodes: if config_prop.tagName == 'PropertyArray': for prop in property_set: prop_set = doc.createElement("PropertySetProperty") attr = doc.createAttribute("xsi:type") attr.value = "typens:PropertySetProperty" prop_set.setAttributeNode(attr) prop_key = doc.createElement("Key") txt = doc.createTextNode(prop["key"]) prop_key.appendChild(txt) prop_set.appendChild(prop_key) prop_value = doc.createElement("Value") attr = doc.createAttribute("xsi:type") attr.value = "xs:string" prop_value.setAttributeNode(attr) txt = doc.createTextNode(prop["value"]) prop_value.appendChild(txt) prop_set.appendChild(prop_value) config_prop.appendChild(prop_set) # Write to the .sddraft file f = open(sddraftPath, 'w') doc.writexml(f) f.close() arcpy.AddMessage("Timezone set") return if __name__ == '__main__': # ScriptTool parameters map = arcpy.GetParameter(0) service = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) summary = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) tags = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) description = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) overwriteService = arcpy.GetParameter(5) enableEditing = arcpy.GetParameter(6) enableSync = arcpy.GetParameter(7) enableWFS = arcpy.GetParameter(8) timezone = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(9) share_public = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(10) share_organization = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(11) share_groups = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(12) outdir = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(13) rest_endpoint = ScriptTool(map, service, summary, tags, description, overwriteService, enableEditing, enableSync, enableWFS, timezone, share_public, share_organization, share_groups, outdir) arcpy.SetParameterAsText(1, rest_endpoint) arcpy.AddMessage(rest_endpoint)